Programme for Government: Taking stock midway through the Sixth Senedd

Published 29/09/2023   |   Reading Time minutes

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Over the past three weeks, we’ve been exploring the Welsh Government’s progress in delivering its Programme for Government (PfG). This follows the publication in July of the Welsh Government’s PfG annual report. We’ve published articles covering each of the 10 well-being objectives, which the PfG is structured around.

This page pulls together links to all the articles we’ve published in one place. You can also explore the objectives through our interactive tool at the bottom of the page (and in each of the articles).

Our articles summarise what has happened so far this Senedd. While it’s not been possible to discuss every one of the commitments sitting beneath the 10 well-being objectives, we’ve taken a look at the Welsh Government’s stated priorities and objectives, discussed their broader themes and context, and hopefully set the scene for the remaining two and a half years until the next expected Senedd election.

Programme for Government series:

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Explore the Programme for Government, its objectives and commitments

Article by Senedd Research, Welsh Parliament