The Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) (Wales) Bill was introduced into the Senedd on 20 March 2023.
This page pulls together key Senedd Research publications to support scrutiny of the Bill. It will be updated as the Bill makes its way through the Senedd’s legislative process.
You can follow progress on the Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee’s webpage on the Bill. From this page you can access a copy of the Bill and the Explanatory Memorandum (EM), which includes Explanatory Notes and a Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA).
- Senedd Research Stage 2 Summary – Provides an overview of proceedings at Stage 2, outlining the amendments tabled and whether they were agreed (16 November 2023)
- Senedd Research Summary of Provisions. Provides a brief overview of each section of the Bill (29 March 2023).
- Senedd Research Bilingual Glossary. Provides a list of technical and novel terms used in the Bill. It’s intended to help bilingual scrutiny (28 June 2023).
- Senedd Research article: Cleaning up Wales’ air? Provides a brief overview of what the Bill is intended to do and summarises evidence heard by the Committee during its stage 1 scrutiny (15 June 2023).
Article by Francesca Howorth, Senedd Research, Welsh Parliament